
In order to walk closely with Jesus I must make it a habit of looking for him, knowing where he is, and being aware of his movements.

Paying attention allows me to see and hear more clearly. I must use every option I have to remove unnecessary distractions that keep me from seeing and hearing…that is, if seeing and hearing Jesus is what I really want. (I usually always do what I really want, no matter what I say I really want)

I spoke to group of nearly one hundred college students who were packed inside a living room. We were talking about why it is sometimes hard to hear the voice of Jesus…

I asked everyone in the room to start talking out loud to one another. Then I begin to speak the words, “I love you. Come to me and I will give you rest for your souls. If you are thirsty, come to me and drink. I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly. Let me speak words of truth to you. Let me tell you how beautiful, unique, and wonderfully made you are. I long for your companionship. You are mine. I have deep affection for you. I have given you a name: ‘Beloved’.”

After getting everyone to calm down and refocus, I asked if anyone could repeat the words I said. Not one single person could repeat even one word.

And so it is too often similar with our companionship with Jesus. He continues to speak, yet I too often find myself too preoccupied, distracted, and drowning in noise and activity to be in a place to hear anything he has to say.

For one thing, we can’t seem to ever put our damn phones down. We stare at them as if the life we are looking for is deeply buried inside the case.

Other times, I get busy doing things that are good things…Jesus things. Yet once you get involved in that 4th or 5th “Christian” thing…even it can become an obstacle to hearing Jesus. Do we really need to be involved in five small groups?

Ministry, if that is my primary focus, can distract me from Jesus too. Jesus must be the focus. Nothing else.

Am I in a position to hear him? Am I listening? Am I paying attention? Am I creating space…availability…so that if He does whisper….I hear it?

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